Reykjavik Jazz Festival 2024
Jazz it up at Center Hotels

As proud sponsors of Reykjavík Jazz Festival, taking place August 27th - 31st, we will host events at our restaurant Jörgensen Kitchen & Bar and at Ský Bar & Lounge during the festival. The events are free and everyone is welcome!

Icelandic Jazz Pearls
Icelandic Jazz Pearls
Helga Margrét & Vigdís Þóra
Helga Margrét Clarke and Vigdís Þóra are jazz singers that completed their final exams at the FÍH Music School in the spring of 2024 and have regularly performed both together and separately. With the project “Icelandic Jazz Pearls,” they aim to showcase Icelandic jazz composers and the music that has had the greatest influence on their musical taste. Helga Margrét Clarke and Vigdís Þóra will perform Icelandic jazz by Icelandic composers. As examples of composers, one can mention Tómas R. Einarsson, Jón Múli Árnason, Karl Olgeirsson, Marína Ósk, and Sigurður Flosason, along with their own original material. The event starts at 17:30 at Jörgensen Kitchen & Bar on August 29th, free admission and everyone is welcome!
See more!
Jazz Happy Hour
Rebekka Blöndal Quartet
Rebekka Blöndal Quartet
This new quartet consists of the singer Rebekka Blöndal, guitarist Andrés Þór Gunnlaugsson, drummer Matthías Hemstock and bassist Birgir Steinn Theódórsson. The set will be a mix of old and new material yet to be released. Rebekka’s music could be described as jazz with a pop and soul twist. Her last album Ljóð was released in 2022 and got excellent feedback. Also Rebekka was chosen the Jazz singer of the year 2022 at the Icelandic Music Awards in 2023. The event starts at 17:30 at SKÝ Bar & Lounge on August 30th, free admission and everyone is welcome!
Jazz Brunch
Hlynur Sævarsson, bass player, and Kjalar Kollmar, singer, met at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts (MÍT) where they were both studying. Their paths crossed, and the duo Hlynur/Kjalar was formed at the graduation concert, as both Hlynur and Kjalar graduated from the school in the spring of 2023. The event starts at 12:00 at Jörgensen Kitchen & Bar on September 1st, free admission and everyone is welcome!
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